Introduction, number systems, measuring error
Mathematically correct != numerically sound. Using Tolerance:
7double x = 1.0;
double y = x / 3.0;
if(fabs(x-y*3.0) < numeric_limits<double>::epsilon()){
cout << "They are equal" << endl;
cout << "They are not equal" << endl;
Sources of Error
- Rounding
- example: Using IEEE 754
- Discretization
- Modeling
- Example: Neglecting butterfly wing flapping in a weather model
- Input
- Example: Measuring error for initial conditions in physical system
Absolute vs. Relative Error
- Absolute Error: The difference between the approximate value and the underlying true value
- Relative Error: Absolute error divided by the true value
Relative Error: Difficulty
Problem: Generally not computable Common fix: Be conservative
Computable Measures of Success
Root-finding problem: For \(f: \mathbb{R} \rightarrow \mathbb{R}\), find \(x^*\) such that \(f(x^*) = 0\). Actual output: \(x_{est}\) with \(|f(x_{est})| <<1\).
Backward Error
The amount the problem statement would have to change to make the approximate solution exact.
- Well conditioned: Small backward error \(\xRightarrow{}\) small relative error
- Poorly conditioned: Otherwise
- Condition number: Ratio of forward to backward error (we want it to
be small)
- Root-finding example: \(\frac{1}{|f'(x^*)|}\)
Example: \(||x||_2\)
1 | double normSquared = 0; |
Overflow, underflow.
Improved \(||x||_2\)
1 | double maxElement = epsilon; |
Motivation for Kahan Algorithm
\[ ((a+b) - a) - b \xlongequal{?} 0 \] Store compensation value!
Introduction, number systems, measuring error